In my many years of doing business, I have taught and advised clients to tell the story of you. Tell us who you are. Tell us about your childhood desire to be something, to be somebody, to break free from society’s demands, to be your own person.“We want to know about you,” I would tell my clients. “Tell us about your dreams. Share some failures. Be real.” Read more →
January 2019
I don’t think that too many successful people found success by “hoping” someone would knock on the door and say, “hey I heard through the grapevine that you have a great idea!” You need to market your idea BUT don’t let the word “market” scare you! Read more →
Business coaches teach the concept of unique over and over. Understanding how your products or services are unique becomes a challenge you will visit over and over.Are your colors more vibrant? Is your design both eye-catching and inviting? Do you have a new - really new, not just new because you say so - process that will bring true success to your clients? Read more →
Wait? What was that? A great idea that has now slipped through your fingers? You know how it goes: You get a brilliant idea in the most unlikely of places – the shower, in line at the grocery store, when you’re driving or at your child’s high school musical. Read more →
In business, I can tell you that hope is not a plan. You cannot hope to succeed. You must plan for that. But, hope is a challenge to new small business owners, or start-ups. Especially when cruel time withholds success from them. Read more →
I’ve heard so many people with so many excuses as to why their desks are a disaster zone. I have also heard, and seen, computer desktops that are a disaster zone. I mean, really, why do you need so many icons on your desktop that you can’t see the background image? Set up folders for Pete’s sake! Read more →
How will you announce and market your products and services without a website? Here are some ways you can market yourself without a website; you might already have thought of these, but maybe you’re not doing them as effectively as you could because of all the work they entail: Read more →