Those were big ideas, back then. Lofty goals. We didn’t know it. I certainly didn’t know it. To me, going to college was necessary. Studying something I loved - veterinary technology (I wanted to study writing, become a professional writer, a novelist, but I was deterred - which is a story for another day), allowed me to work and do something I enjoyed. Read more →
February 2019
This book, Wise Guy, is top notch. It’s not so much a story of Guy (although it is) as much as it’s a story of a young man who had dreams to fulfill, and whose family supported him in those dreams. Oh, not without conflict, mind you. Just as we all have conflict in our lives, so did Guy. Read more →
I am fortunate that my reading, and my writing about books I’ve read, has inspired publicists and writers and serious authors to send me their books for review, now and then. While I seldom turn down free books, I will be frank and honest in saying I do not review books I did not like. I am not in the business of telling anyone why she should NOT read a book. Read more →
Small business owners don’t need to fear their books—the basic principles are actually pretty simple. To be great at bookkeeping you don’t need to have any background in business, finance or even math! Read more →
Not just any books. Read books that will help you on your path to prosperity. Business books are a dime a dozen, and many are just a lot of fluff. I’ve read many a fluffy ‘feel good’ business book. I would like you not to read those. This is not about daily affirmations (though you should have one). It’s not about wishing and hoping, like that old 60’s song. It’s about doing. It’s about learning what you need to know to move forward. Read more →
Now sell. But, don’t sell by throwing your stuff at people. No matter how great you are, how great your products are, if you throw them at me, I'm going to wonder why. And, once I suspect you of ulterior motives, I am less likely to buy from you. Read more →
If I had to name only one book as my favorite (and that really is a cruel thing to do to an avid reader) I would pick The Phantom Tollboth. This is one of the first books I have memory of reading by myself and it is a book that has been in my personal library for more than 40 years! The Phantom Tollbooth has survived many cullings of the bookshelf. It has moved with me several times. Read more →