A Smart Woman Conversation: Hollie Clere - The Social Media Advisor
The Art of Telling a Good Story

A Smart Woman Conversation: Kim Porter Life Coach

Smart conversation kim porter

This Smart Woman conversation hits home. For me and for many women out there, no doubt.

Hat’s off to Aimee Beltran for introducing me to Kim Porter. Her (Kim’s) life coaching program is based on her experiences overcoming those limiting beliefs we all have.

In our conversation you will learn Kim’s story. A story of worry and whispers and “what should I do?” A story so much like ours, mine and yours. A story full of self-doubt and wondering if the next step is the right step. A story of accomplishment and moving forward and a determination not to let the whispers win.

Sound familiar?

I know a good many of you have those whispers - the ones directing you to a path you’re not sure of, but one you’d like to explore. Too many of you ignore the whispers and go about your business as is. Too many of us, we talented and smart women of the world, let the whispers fill our heads with the belief that we can be something…else… and then, we push the thought of doing that away and go about our usual day-to-day work. Sigh.

Kim shares and explains how she see the word “abundance” in relation to our lives and her life. Abundance is a powerful word if you take the time to understand it. And it can mean so many different things - including being thankful for family and the business idea that got you started as an entrepreneur.

For Kim, that was being a make-up artist. A very successful make-up artist!

Along the way, Kim began to think there was more to her story. She listened to the whispers. She took time to explore her inner woman. She got clear on what her life was all about.

Now she offers clarity to her clients.

Clarity is missing from so much of what some of us do, when we decide to start a business, or turn a hobby into a business. We think we know what we’re doing, who we’re selling to, and then we discover we’re not as clear about it all as we thought.

I love her promise - to help women “overcome limiting beliefs.”

Think mindset. Think blessings. Think lucky.

You don’t want to miss even one minute of this conversation. It’s so full of great insight and advice.

Visit our YouTube channel for more conversations.

Connect with Kim via the links in the this post.

Have a great day! I wish abundance for all of you today and every day.



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