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A Smart Woman Conversation: Victoria Schade Author Speaker Dog Trainer

Smart conversation victoria schade

What do you see through your dog’s eyes?

Do dogs really understand what we say?

Does clicker training work on a dog over… six months?

Nurturing Big Ideas Talks Dogs

These are all questions I asked, in one way or another, when I talked with Smart Woman Online Victoria Schade.

I have to say this conversation was full of the kind of energy and learning we should each enjoy, every morning of our lives. I can tell you, re-watching the conversation brought bright beams of warm sunlight into my office.

Part of the joy was in the topic of conversation - dogs. I could talk about dogs (and cats and gerbils and guinea pigs, etc) all day. Life is just better with pets.

Victoria, to her credit, decided to follow her gut instinct when she was hit by a bolt of lightning one day. No, not a real lightning bolt. We’re talking the kind of “I have a big idea” lightning bolt.

She left her day job and began her research into how to become a dog trainer. It wasn't an overnight kind of thing. She read and read and talked to professionals in the industry and made her decision based on her research and her desire to do this. That bolt of lightning got her going, but her research informed her decision. (and she's not done yet! she is designing a whole NEW path ahead - stay tuned for more on that down the road!)

It's a Journey full of dog hair

Life is never one idea or thought or experience. As Victoria tells us, it’s a journey. She prepared for her journey as a dog trainer but also knew there would be pitfalls and stumbling blocks, along with joy and happiness.

This entrepreneurial life isn’t a thing of a day or two. It’s not a whim you can follow or a scratch you can itch, before turning to other things.

It’s a passion to make a difference. And sometimes, in the midst of one passion, you uncover another. 

I love that about this talk. I love how excited Victoria becomes when she’s talking about her work, her dreams, her next ideas, and, of course her book.

Let’s talk about her book.

Life on the Leash

Victoria life on the leash

As a book coach, I told Victoria I was impressed with this first novel. Novels are not easy to write.

This is a fun story, full of romance, and the worry and let downs that sometimes come with romance. Of course, the heart palpitations are there, too! And the delight.

It’s a great beach read. For those who love dogs, and who love pit bulls (if you have a problem with pit bulls I offer that the issue is a people issue, not a dog or breed issue, do inform yourself), this is story that will set your heart soaring.

I recommend the book if you want to feel good about love, life - with all of its ups and downs - and about girl friends. Because, girl friends are front and center in this great story.

Enjoy the video. Buy the book. Learn how to look at life through your dog’s eyes. (p.s. she has more books, too!) And, know that while Victoria is moving on, to new parks and recreation (oh, how silly I get sometimes), she will always be the consummate professional. Find her online: Twitter @VictoriaSchade  and victoria_schade on Instagram.  

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