#womenofsignificance Are Present in Their Dreams
Smart Woman Conversations: Nettie Reynolds - Storyteller Writer Interfaith Chaplain

A Smart Woman Conversation with Anastasia Button - Generational Expert

_smart woman  conversation with Anastasia Button

This week's Smart Woman Conversation with Anastasia Button has more information in 30 minutes than you normally get in a an hour long webinar. I promise,the authenticity and honesty brings a certain insight into how both baby boomer women and millennial women think about life and business.

The best part of this story, and it's a powerful story, is how writing a book impacted Anastasia's life. That's the best part for me. I encourage all my ladies to write books - we so need more books written by women in business - and when this young talented woman was approached to do so, she did what many of us do, she stopped, gave it some thought, and then did it.

But, it wasn't as easy as all that. Writing a book, as noted in the conversation, is both easy and hard.

Given that my focus at Nurturing Big Ideas Today is women, but especially baby boomer women, it might seem counter-intuitive to bring on such a smart millennial.

Can we all agree to just throw the labels out the window? After meeting Anastasia online, and knowing she had met Tom (the husband) in person, it seemed important to add her voice to what Nurturing Big Ideas Today is all about - the success of women in the world today.

Here's the thing, Anastasia calls herself a "cross-generational expert" and she doesn't do this lightly. She recognizes the need for all of us to work together. I give her oodles of credit for figuring out the #newjobnewlife hashtag (how that happened is in the video and it's interesting... so pay attention as you watch), given that so many of us are on that path. 

I call that path reinvention for my women of a certain age. We aren't looking to start a new job, but we are looking for new inspiration in our lives. A reinvention of who we thought we would be, as opposed to who we became during all those years we were busy being someone else. 

My friends who are younger than I - whether they're labelled millennials or genz or genx, or any other name - might be looking for a new job. Not everyone wants to be an entrepreneur! But, in that search, there is a desire for a new life, I am sure. A life that isn't full of drudgery and rain without rainbows.

If you listen to Anastasia, if you allow yourself to hear what she's saying, you'll understand that she isn't offering rainbows and unicorns and Easter eggs. She's offering honest coaching brought to you from her experiences getting around or over stumbling blocks that loomed like giant boulders in her path.

I found this conversation uplifting and refreshing. We women of a certain age, again, need to interact more with millennials who are making changes to the world today. Every time I meet a fantastic young woman, like Anastasia Button, I find myself nodding and smiling. Because it makes me happy to know the world is in good hands.

And I encourage women her age, or younger, not to count us "old timers" out. We still have a lot to give.

By the way, you just might want to get Anastasia's book #newjobnewlife  The Millennials Take-Charge Plan for Success . Regardless of your age. It's worth the read. In the end, we are all in this together, so why act like high schoolers where the tall kids are on one side of the room and the short kids on the other?

Let's all live, laugh, love and learn together. It's the best of all possible worlds.


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