A Smart Woman Conversation with Attorney, Author, and Public Speaker Joy Alford-Brand
Budgeting, it's all in the numbers
How many of you can add a row or column of numbers, say 8 or more, in your head?
Not me. I can barely add two numbers in my head.
Today's smart woman, Joy Alford-Brand, is a numbers person. Her background as an attorney in bankruptcy law led her to where she is today, the voice behind newcashview.com and the author of Money Basics: Keeping It and Growing It.
I especially wanted to share her today, on Black Friday, because I know how many of you are out and about grabbing up all the deals being offered. I expect you are aware of how much you should spend today, but it you get too caught up in the excitement (by which I mean, if you end up spending more than you planned) never fear, help is here!
And I do mean help - no judgment. Just help.
Oh the people you'll meet!
Let me share that I met Joy via Lorraine, who was a Smart Woman Conversation a few weeks ago. You'll remember she does health coaching and helps women through menopause - think: the magic of menopause. Yep, you remember.
Lorraine felt Joy and I should meet, and made an email introduction. Personal introductions like that are the best kind. When I get them, from women like Lorraine or Kathleen Gage (another smart conversation), I am always sure to follow up quickly.
Interestingly, this introduction peaked my interest precisely because Joy was and is a woman focused on sharing "smart, simple management techniques" when it comes to money. I admit I struggle when it comes to numbers, and as I mention in the video, I was scarred in grade school by failing geometry twice. Or was that high school? I don't know. I only know I was angry, embarrassed and thoroughly dejected after the second fail. After all, I did study, really hard!
Joy would not have been able to help me, back then, as I don't think she was born yet. But, she can help me now. And she can help you, too. The big thing is to stop thinking of budgets, budgeting, using numbers as something you have to master. You can be good at taking care of your finances without being a Bill Gates or a Warren Buffet.
That's what Joy taught me in this short conversation. To be empowered by a 'new view' of how I treat and think about money. We talk about chapter two in her book, which talks about why "it's all in your head".
To be honest, Joy isn't the first person who's shared that belief - that the way we think about money is more a head game than a reality. We do learn it from our parents, but even more so, we grow up in America with a belief that we are 'entitled' to certain things, whether it's gold jewelry, or fancy makeup, or silk pajamas. We a bombarded by commercials on every tech tools we own.
What's a gal supposed to do, then?
Joy says, "Be empowered" to take charge of your finances and your budget. It's what she teaches.
I don't want to give away all of the conversation, so I'll end here. Let me nudge you along to watch and listen because during the conversation Joy gives away one powerful, insightful piece of advice. She shares why people overspend, and how you can prevent the things that happened to some of her clients, from happening to you.
Find Joy at all of these places online:
newcashview - her site (where there is a link for her books - yep, that's plural!)
YouTube (insightful videos - if you know anyone with student load debt, share this with them)
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