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Is it Work or Is it Play? Maybe It's Both! Sybil Stershic Talks Building Blocks as Serious Play

Sybil Stershic lego serious play

There are those who will tell you work is play.

Or, if it isn't, that you should be doing something else.

Here's a more current thought - did you play with building blocks as a kid? Did your kids play with building blocks? What about those all popular inter-connecting building blocks? You know the kind, the ones that are so colorful and today also can help kids create super heroes and cars and fire stations and more.

What about those?

Did you ever think LEGO® building blocks could be part of your WORK? That you could learn to use them as a management tool?

Well, the folks at LEGO® did. They even created a certification for it.

This Smart Women Conversations talk is with a very good friend, Sybil Stershic. We met so many years ago, when I was fortunate enough to be Sybil's book publisher for her books, Taking Care of the People Who Matter Most and Share of Mind, Share of Heart, which focused on her Quality Service Marketing business. But watch it for the fun, not just the insight.

Love and Marriage?

She describes herself as a combination of marketing and human resources. "If marketing married human resources, Sybil Stershic would be their pride-and-joy," she tells us.

But this is a new Sybil. A reinvented Sybil. A full of energy about this creative way to facilitate teams.

She's working as a facilitator using the very building blocks mentioned early on in this post. The kind we all used as children. The kind we buy for our kids today.

It's not only fascinating work, she tells us in this video. it's powerful and engaging. The training was demanding but worth it, because so many people open up to sharing ideas and worries and thoughts about management via the use of these building blocks, the lines of communication become opened in a way no one expects.

We discuss things like nightmare meetings. Ever been to one of them? Sybil has a story you don't want to miss.

We discuss investing in yourself. Time to do that?

We discuss owning your own island. Is that in your future?

Maybe your future is about building blocks. Or writing a book. Or taking your passion for what you do to the next level.

Books by Sybil Stershic

Watch to learn more about HOW Sybil uses this new way of facilitating and how she's come to a place in her life where "informal" mentoring is rewarding her with an even deeper sense of accomplishment. It's a form of reaching out, connecting, listening, and helping... just helping... other women with their struggles as they traverse this crazy road to "what I want to be when I grow up". It's a road she and I are still traveling, and tripping over roadblocks as we go, even today. But, we bring a great deal of experience with us, and we're both happy to share. 

It's what Sybil is about - that ability to connect and share, while helping, if she can. The truth is, she's found a way to do it with LEGO® building blocks. How cool is that?

Find Sybil at Quality Service Marketing
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Writing a book this year? I can help!

Just want to learn more about books, writing, words, videos, and the value of communication? Get Smart News in your email box every Friday by hopping over to this page - you'll learn why loving what you do can derail your success. Yes, it can! 



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