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February 2020

This insightful conversation shares online business strategy, various ways to make money online, how your work, the value you bring, will build your reputation and help you become the successful entrepreneur you've been dreaming of becoming. Read more →

One point Maureen talks about might surprise you. She confesses to impostor syndrome and how it affects all of us at some point or another, including some of the smartest, most successful professionals out there, in corner offices. Yep, the men and women we look up to sometimes get up, look in the mirror, and say, "I don't belong here. When will the world discover I shouldn't be here?" It's that sadness or worry or lack of confidence we feel gripping our heart, trying to hold us back. Whatever the reason, Maureen points out that we all suffer from it at some time or another in our lives. Read more →

We all have a blind spot. Most of us are woefully unaware of it, or we have convinced ourselves it's not a big deal. Watch and learn - because Holly is not fooling around here - this is serious content for women (and men) who get it - who know they're missing something in their discussions with prospects and even with clients.  Read more →

To actually touch and feel the past, perhaps. To travel to places most of us will only see on the Travel channel. That's just part of what I love about Shahrina. What you will love is how she shares her story of the journey from archaeology to law. And how life as a student studying law could be more difficult than most of us realize. Read more →