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Moxie Exchange Full of Spunk Energy and Spirit with Maureen Berkner Boyt

Smart women conversations Maureen Berkner Boyt

Energy. Backbone. Spirit. Spunk. And a great deal of MOXIE, is what Maureen Berkner Boyt of The Moxie Exchange brings to today's video and to everything she does in life.

This conversation offers a peek into the life of a woman who embraces the concept that failure is movement forward, and we should all embrace it with open arms. After all, if you don't fail, how do you learn? If you don't risk, if you don't crawl out on the skinny branch and even fall off sometimes, how will you grow? No wonder I wanted her for my smart conversations! 

Fail Fast Frequently and Forward

Maureen advises us to fail frequently, fast, and forward. She uses genuine power words and phrases in this video. Moxie is one. Unleashing human potential, is another. Worst case scenario planning, is another. Pivot is another, and unconscious bias and micro-learning - are you getting the drift? As with so many of the smart women I know and talk with on Smart Women Conversations, Maureen says she created Moxie Exchange to fulfill a void she saw in the marketplace.

We entrepreneurs tend to do that - we get involved in one thing or another and say, "I wish there was more of this" or "I wish they'd thought of this" ... and we go on to fill that void.

One point Maureen talks about might surprise you. She confesses to impostor syndrome and how it affects all of us at some point or another, including some of the smartest, most successful professionals out there, in corner offices. Yep, the men and women we look up to sometimes get up, look in the mirror, and say, "I don't belong here. When will the world discover I shouldn't be here?" It's that sadness or worry or lack of confidence we feel gripping our heart, trying to hold us back. Whatever the reason, Maureen points out that we all suffer from it at some time or another in our lives.

And, you can get beyond it.


This is an electrifying conversation about how women, especially, tend to deny their own talents because they might, at some point in their lives, been told they were less than this or that. Or, they were told they couldn't do what they wanted to do because of their gender. We from the baby boomer generation were part of the women's movement, and some of us might have been hippies, but we were still discouraged from aiming too high in our dreams and desires.

It was wrong, wrong, wrong! Because your dreams can come true and you have what it takes to make that happen!

A BIG takeaway comes towards the end. When we talk about how women are jerks to each other sometimes... or are we? Do women tear each other down and snatch success away from other women? I've known some who do. Watch what Maureen has to say.

Oh, I promise you don't want to miss the part about taking a toddler to the supermarket. 

Enjoy. You'll be glad you took time for this today.

Find The Moxie Exchange and Maureen at her website

Make sure to check out the Micro Learning Courses!

Visit this page to learn more about Unconscious Bias in the workplace.

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