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April 2020

They are not alike, and the writing process for each is similar but not the same, though I might have thought so before this talk. Yes, I might have thought, in error, that a fiction book is writing and a non-fiction book is writing, and you just do them the same, by putting your butt in your seat and writing. But with non-fiction you're more tuned in to your research and your fact basted content, and your focus is on making sure you don't mislead your readers. Whereas, in fiction, anything goes. Of course, you still have to get readers on board, dispel that feeling of disbelief, and in some of Amy's books, she adds a "this is true and this I made up" section at the back. Read more →

Dana brings a unique story to our show. She tells the story of traveling from Israel to South Africa, on a job offer, though she had many fears of learning English (though they are exposed to English in Israel, they do not use it on a daily basis and she knew it would be a challenge for her in her new country), as well as of just moving so far away from her family. Especially Mom. Read more →

I invited Deanna on the show precisely because she has more knowledge and experience than many other designers I know. I want to impress upon all of you that cover design, and inside design layout, and creating marketing materials to support the product (your book) is more than a thing of choosing a template in Canva. No offense to Canva, but your book is more important than that.  Read more →

Being seen, being heard, being connected - isn't that what we're about, ladies? Isn't it time to raise our voices above the brouhaha going on around us, and get the world's attention? It doesn't matter what you do, what wonderful business you have, or how new you are, your voice matters. Your business matters. Your connections matter. Read more →