What exactly do Stephanie and Jane do? If you ask them what they do, they'll tell you they help women over 50 create sustainable long term healthy eating habits by eliminating diets, overwhelm, and kitchen chaos. The focus, they tell me, is reinvention and the journey of how you got to where you are today – including how you got over stumbling blocks or hurricane winds trying to hold you back. Read more →
May 2020
We've established in other blog posts that writing a book to become rich and famous is foolish. The reason you write a book is married to the reason you have a story to tell. You write a book to share. You write a book to entertain. You write a book to educate. You write a book to inspire. Read more →
Hers is a story of breast cancer and a strong desire to move forward turning lemons into lemonade (or you could say, turning the average Chinese fortune cookie into a work of art the size of a football). There is a good bit of the story that is told in the video that I will not include here. It's best to watch Sue tell it and see her face light up when she talks about children, and art, and museums. Read more →
People read to be either entertained, educated, or inspired. It is possible to be all three, in one book. Talented people are able to write books that entertain, inspire, and educate, without much trouble at all. It’s all in the storytelling. Read more →
Carol says, "Helping [women] to acknowledge there is no ‘one size fits all’ or ideal body shape," is often a first step. Her personal journey of overcoming an eating disorder will feel familiar to some, and sharing how it gives her more insight into understanding why women who say ‘I hate my body’ need a bit of outside help learning to undo all the years of self-doubt. Read more →
A few years ago, as I was traveling, I spent time in one airport or another reading The Celestine Prophesy by James Redfield. It's a book on philosophy and the human experience. A major thread throughout the book is the power of coincidence... and the fact that too many people ignore this power, including women, who should be embracing it with open arms. Read more →
Vicki Wushe, author and thought leader, talks with me about retirement. It's rather like sleep walking into an uncertain future for some of us - something many of us are too familiar with in this time of corona. Here's a question: Why not use this time constructively? Why not get Vicki's book The Wealthy Retirement Plan: a revolutionary guide to living the rest of your life in style and find peace with your 'found time'. If it really is 'found time'. Read more →
There is poetry in the symmetry of that majestic tree and each flower, in each garden, you pass by on your walk each day. Each vein in each leaf shimmering in the morning sun, slipping through the curl of a new bud, fluttering in a breeze that gently nudges the knotted branches; they sing of poetry, in whispers and music so soft you must pause in your walk to hear, to listen, to absorb. Read more →
Alexandra's story itself is full of introspection and wonder and exploration. I know her as the author of this book, but she is a prolific writer and weave tales in fiction as well as non-fiction. Soul Celebrations was written to guide us on a journey into to our inner being; to help us learn to "approach the wonders of the physical universe selectively," in order to, "experience a merging with chosen aspects of nature and come away with a glorious sense of having participated in eternity." Read more →