Award Winning Authorpreneur and Animal Behavior Consultant Amy Shojai Talks Writing Books
Listen to Your Inner Poet - Leave the Drudgery Behind

Soul Celebrations and Spiritual Snacks with Alexandra York

Smart women conversations blog photo Alexandra York 2020

Today's guest, Alexandra York, evokes a sense of storytelling we seem to have lost along the way. It's the kind of thing that was once done around a campfire, where rapt attention was given to the Elder in the clan who was weaving the tale. 

As in all stories, those told in ancient times around the fire, and those told today via social media or blogs - as the tale unfolds we find bits and pieces of ourselves in the story. We begin to understand ourselves in the adventures of others, taking into our physical being the key qualities that make us both human, collectively and unique, individually.

In Alexandra's book, Soul Celebrations and Spiritual Snacks, we find a path, a trail, a shooting star to follow, as we take that journey back to a time of community gatherings and true emotional connections, before we were consumed by King Technology and his minions, social media.

Alexandra's story itself is full of introspection and wonder and exploration. I know her as the author of this book, but she is a prolific writer and weaves tales in fiction as well as nonfiction. Soul Celebrations was written to guide us on a journey into to our inner being; to help us learn to "approach the wonders of the physical universe selectively," in order to, "experience a merging with chosen aspects of nature and come away with a glorious sense of having participated in eternity." Soul Celebrations book cover

There is a delightful sense of God and Universe and human beings with souls that want nothing more than to be recognized. We are spiritual beings, no matter our religion. We exist in nature. part of a universe that offers us joy in our trials and tribulations by offering us a glimpse into the mystery of art and nature and song, if we are willing to gaze into our souls and learn how to celebrate us.

Alexandra treats us to some "spiritual snacks" in the book in the form of poetry, also. Written by her. 

For those who are not fond of poetry, stay with me. This is not your high school recitation of a Shakespearean sonnet, nor a visit to your college days learning The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock

Alexandra treats us to poetry that flows like a fond story we once heard as a child, or as a tale we once read in middle school and kept close to our hearts for months and months, because it wasn't a story about something or someone, it was a story about us.

This book, and Alexandra's work, represents a dirt path beckoning us to walk slowly along it, barefoot, perhaps, heading into a welcoming, though a bit shadowy, destination, where each footfall and each song we hear and each flower we see and each moment we allow ourselves to feel exactly what's happening, is unique and special and belongs to no one but us.

"The essential self-created or accepted value center defines our distinctive personhood," she writes early on in the book.

She speaks of celebration, saying, "By 'celebrate,' I do not mean momentary merriment or happy feelings associated with commemorating an occasion. I mean 'stopped time' - time taken to experience fully, as a mind-body-integrated individual, the sum of who we have become."

This video is for all of you who are now, at this moment, in the end of April 2020, looking for solace and a new meaning to life. 

I leave you with this, an author statement from Alexandra,

"I am a Rational Romantic intent on championing and merging beauty and reason. I write both fiction and nonfiction to enrich, enlighten, and inspire. I am determined to confront the cynical concepts of the sensationalist, nihilistic, popular anti-culture in which we now live and encourage a path of self-created distinctiveness, integrity, and pursuit of excellence."

Take time to actually watch the video. The image quality is a bit fuzzy in places, but the conversation is illuminating. So much so, I forgot to change my view to speaker view. We just talked and talked and shared and shared. And that's how conversations should be, don't you think?

Learn more about Alexandra at 

Find her on Facebook also.

Buy Soul Celebrations and Spiritual Snacks on Amazon. 

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