This Month In Review: Books, Throughlines, And More
What Does An Editor Do?

7 Reasons To Write Your Book Now!

Write your book now

by Yvonne DiVita

I'm not kidding around, here. This is the perfect time to write your book. It's October 2020 and the world is in chaos and no one knows when the meteor is going to hit, but we know it's going to hit. And then, then it will be too late!

Who remembers that old movie about the meteor heading to earth, covering thousands of miles per second, on track to take out the human race?

Maybe I'm remembering a whole group of movies from my childhood, full of doomsday tears and wailing, all designed to get our hearts racing. We all knew it was make-believe, but the producers of said movies also knew that it happened once, so it could happen again, and whoever the producer was, he (it was always a he back then) decided to use the fear of the end of the world to entice folks to the movies. (for reference: The Day the Sky Exploded 1958)

That was way back when we went to the movies, of course. Who remembers that? I hear tell we might be able to do it again, someday. But, so many of us have big screen TVs, who cares about the movie theater? That's a post for another day.

Let's get back to you. To you writing your book.

The chaos all around us is hard to ignore, but many people have turned off social media, turned off news programs, turned away from chatter that is mostly used to inflame. Many people realize their future is in their hands, and all the unrest in the bigger world is mostly a distraction. Many people are not going to let the pending doomsday meteor push them into a deep, dark, musty hole in the ground. 

Instead, they're pushing forward. Onward and upward, and all that wonderful stuff.

I applaud these people. I hope you're one of them. Because, truth is, we can't do a hell of a lot about what's going on in the world. Yes, we can use our voices to rally support to save the planet, and the people, and we can vote in elections, and we can expose crime when we see it, but we cannot move that giant meteor that is spinning out in space, all by ourselves.

And so, we turn our attention to the things we can do.

I'm here to say because you are home, mostly, and because life has changed so dramatically in this last year, writing your book is one of the positive things you can do - for yourself, and for the people who need to read it. 

Here are 7 Reasons To Write Your Book Now

  1. To make a statement. It's time for you to put a stake in the ground and tell the world who you are, what you are about! A book declares your purpose in 300 pages of story-telling that leaves no room for mystery. "Here I am, World!" Of course, you would use it to teach people how you got to be you. 
  2. To be recognized as a leader in your industry. We need leaders more than ever, now. Leaders who can really lead. Not leaders who talk about leading, or congratulate themselves for a job well done - forgetting all the other people who worked on the project. We need leaders who can bring their humanity with them to the table. I bet you're one.
  3. To build your business. Yes, a book helps you build a business.  There are numerous ways to do this - my 15 Ways to Market Big Ideas eBook might help you. A book is a valuable tool in your tool kit, if you are focused on increasing business for the next year and beyond. A book markets you so well!
  4. To take advantage of the time you have now. You aren't driving back and forth to 'work'. You are home. You can definitely find 20 minutes a day to work on a book. Or, work with Tom, my hubby, in his new program: All  You Can Eat Laser Learning. He'll keep you moving forward. (limited seating there - get yours while you can!) Oh, for those who are at work, go you! But, that book is still inside you. Laser Learning could nurse it out, in 15 minute increments. 
  5. To help others. Some books might be written to make the author feel good. But most books, good books, successful books are written to teach other people how to overcome struggles, push obstacles out of the way, rise above past mistakes. If you have the life and work experience to lend a helping hand to people looking for answers, I ask you to do so. Write the book!
  6. To create your own training programs online. Your book becomes the outline of your program. Webinars and online conferences are all the rage. People who have books are in demand. Using a book to build training modules around your expertise is just natural.
  7. To get speaking gigs. Yes, even now there are opportunities to speak. Most popular are podcast interviews. This goes two ways, you can be the podcaster and invite experts on your show and demonstrate your influence, or you can be a guest on a podcast and market your book and workshops. Or, you can do both. Try to do both. It's a win-win situation. 
  8. I just thought of one more! My description of a meteor bearing down on earth, prepared to take out humanity, is far-fetched but the point I'm trying to make is that we all only have 24 hours a day to do the things we need to do. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, etc. No one has more time than you or I. Time is irrelevant, if you make it so. Write your book. Accomplish that task now. Because it will not only enlighten and inspire others, it will change your life - for the better. Becoming an author is a joy. Grab some of that for yourself, now. 

That's it. The meteor might still be heading our way, but we can make the best of the time we have, before it hits. I hear it isn't going to hit for 100 years. Wow. What could you do (write) in that amount of time?

Tell me. I want to hear your ideas. If you're ready to do that book, we should talk. I have programs to suit any idea or budget. I'm here to serve.

Don't wait to write your book


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