10 Things I Learned Using Zoom Video This Year
Smart Conversations: with Tracey Dobbins and Yvonne DiVita

Kae Wagner Talks Becoming a Confident Speaker

SMART CONVERSATION Kae Wagner 12-24-2020

by Nurturing Big Ideas with Yvonne DiVita

Doing it Caveman Style

The final Smart Conversations video of 2020 is all about confidence, story, and learning how to use them to put money in your pockets! Because we all want to make money in 2021. If you're just doing what you do for fun, I applaud you. But, if you're building a business, no matter how small, this advice - Kae's insight and expertise, shared here - is for you. 

To me, this is a brilliant interview, (not because of anything I say, only because of Kae). Meet Kae Wagner of NorthStar Marketing, a company of more than 30 years, as she talks about her journey, shares with us the how to tell stories the 'caveman' way, and why her program, The Confident Speaker Program, will not only make you a successful speaker, it will put money in your pocket!

This fantastic, successful, energetic woman is the Founder and President of North Star Marketing. She is known in business circles for her intuitive, creative direction, among many other talents. We all know I consider the word "intuitive" to be among the most powerful words we can use to describe anyone, but especially a smart woman like Kae Wagner.

It's a Story

Nurturing Big Ideas is all about story - the story of you. It's not a report, it's a narrative. A tale. A powerful message. With Kate Wagner, the story is how to gain mastery in building confidence. All the better to go out on stage with confidence and walk off with money in your pockets! Did I already say that? I believe I did. And I repeated it, here. Take note.

Yes, being confident in all you do is something you can learn! Too often, as we discuss in the video, women shy away from promoting themselves. They lack the confidence of their male counterparts, preferring to rely on the value and quality of their talents to push their business forward. That is just not enough! Confidence in yourself, as well as your magic, is what's needed. Confident speaker

This is why I asked Kae to be on Smart Conversations. She knows story. She bowled me over with her description of "cave man" storytelling! I almost fell off my chair! So brilliant!

Bring on the $$$

Of course, it doesn't hurt Kae's credibility, nor mine for discovering her, to say she is an award winning author, TV producer, filmmaker, and writer. Just as I do, she works with coaches, authors, creatives, subject matter experts, and speakers. These are the people who not only have a story to tell, but who understand the value of learning to tell it well. And, of learning where to tell it, for the best response.

Don't miss our discussion about her golden ticket items. How she used her golden ticket to build her business. She shares how speaking gained her clients and how specific kinds of speaking engagements were/are better than others. 

I encourage everyone to check out Kae's program. What have you got to lose - except that uneasy feeling in your gut whenever you even think about speaking in front of a crowd! I know it well. I had it while I was at BlogPaws - but over time, it quieted to a whisper because I learned how to be that person in front of the crowd. I wish I'd had Kae to help me, then. 

That's why she was on the show. That's why I urge you to click the image here - yes, it's a link!

The easy, warm, personal approach Kae takes to what she does, and her dedication to her client's success, is why Kae and I are planning something exciting together, for 2021! 

Learn more about Kae - including the books we discuss on the video, on her website 

Visit North Star Marketing on LinkedIn 

On Facebook and in her Group: The Coaching Journey

 Nurturing Big Ideas is overflowing with Smart Conversations. Check out a few more today.




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